jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Dedicado a todos los TURISTAS NACIONALES Y EXTRANJEROS que visiten Lima - Perú.
Somos personas especialistas y profesionales dedicadas a mejorar el turismo en nuestro país.
Nuestro objetivo es que tú te sientas con la mayor comodidad, seguridad y tranquilidad que podamos ofrecerte, brindándote todo tipo de información necesaria que requieras,  ven y viaja en estos novedosos y divertidos Tours que te ofrecemos en este encantador distrito " Chorrillos: La Perla del Pacifico".

Dedicated to all the National and Foreign Tourists visiting Lima - Peru.
We are specialists and professional people dedicated to improving tourism in our country.
Our goal is that you sit with comfort, security and tranquility that we can offer, giving you all kinds of information you require, come and travel in these innovative and fun tours we offer in this charming district "Chorrillos: The Pearl Pacific. "
All tours include a gift, and in some hours is the customer's request also includes pick up and transfer to their respective places of accommodation.

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